Browsing by Author Yong J.Y.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Assessment of voltage and current quality indices of grid connected solar PV plants against international standardsRamachandaramurthy V.K.; Yong J.Y.; Tan K.M.; Pouryekta A.; Jayasinghe D.H.G.A.E.; Ekanayake J.B.
2019Coordinated Vehicle-to-Grid Scheduling to Minimize Grid Load VarianceHashim M.S.; Yong J.Y.; Ramachandaramurthy V.K.; Tan K.M.; Tariq M.
2019Experimental Verification of Vehicle-to-Grid Charger for Demand Response ServiceTan K.M.; Ramachandaramurthy V.K.; Yong J.Y.; Tariq M.
2019A multi-control vehicle-to-grid charger with bi-directional active and reactive power capabilities for power grid supportTan K.M.; Padmanaban S.; Yong J.Y.; Ramachandaramurthy V.K.