Browsing by Author Tong C.S.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Communicating the keywords of sendai framework: A corpus-based approachThiruchelvam S.; Jin N.Y.; Tong C.S.; Husin N.B.M.; Ghazali A.; Kamal A.
2019Developing a vocational engineering word list: Bridging the gaps of secondary and tertiary educationJin N.Y.; Tong C.S.; Shyuan L.K.; Abd Rahman A.Z.; Thiruchelvam S.
2019Outlook of university students and their profession strategyRajasekaran W.C.; Karthikeyan J.; Tong C.S.; Karunakaran T.
2020Review of internet of things towards sustainable development in agricultureVerma P.; Bhutani S.; Srividhya S.; Karthikeyan J.; Tong C.S.