Browsing by Author Thanikanti S.B.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Implementation and design of an autonomous residential DC nano-gridShamshuddin M.A.; Thanikanti S.B.; Ramachandaramurthy Vigna K.; Kennel R.
2020Multi-objective grey wolf optimizer for optimal design of switching matrix for shaded pv array dynamic reconfigurationYousri D.; Thanikanti S.B.; Balasubramanian K.; Osama A.; Fathy A.
2019Power smoothing techniques to mitigate solar intermittencySolanki S.G.; Ramachandaramurthy V.K.; Shing N.Y.K.; Tan R.H.G.; Tariq M.; Thanikanti S.B.