Browsing by Author Syamsir A.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Effect of Laminate Properties on the Failure of Cross Arm Structure under Multi-Axial LoadMohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Beddu S.; Kamal N.L.M.; Zainoodin M.M.; Razali M.F.; Abas A.; Seman S.A.H.A.; Ng F.C.
2019An examination on durability and degradation of glass fiber reinforced polymer structuresSyamsir A.; Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; , Itam Z.; Sadon S.N.
2019Immobilization of heavy metal in coal bottom ash (CBA) mortarKamal N.L.M.; Beddu S.; Zahari N.M.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Mohamad D.; Sadon S.N.; Yang K.J.; Manan T.S.B.A.
2019Numerical Simulation on the Statics Deformation Study of Composite Cross Arms of Different Materials and ConfigurationsMohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Bakar H.A.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.; Razali M.F.; Seman S.A.H.A
2019Numerical study of composite fiberglass cross arms under statics loading and improvement with sleeve installationMohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Beddu S.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.; Razali M.F.; Seman S.A.H.A.
2019A review on durability and degradation of glass fiber reinforced polymer structuresSyamsir A.; Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; Itam Z.; Sadon S.N.
2019Service frequency and service hours evaluation for bus service in west klang valleyNorhisham S.; Fadhlullah Abu Bakar M.; Hazwani Abd Samad Z.; Syamsir A.; Zaini N.; Yati Katman H.; Zakwan Ramli M.
2019Stabilization of a residual soil using calcium and magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles: A quick precipitation methodYong L.L.; Perera S.V.A.D.N.J.; Syamsir A.; Emmanuel E.; Paul S.C.; Anggraini V.
2019Stacking sequence effects on performance of composite laminate structure subjected to multi-axial quasi-static loadingMohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Sa'Don S.N.; Zahari N.M.; Seman S.A.H.A.; Razali M.F.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.