Browsing by Author Sopian K.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Effect of defect density and energy level mismatch on the performance of perovskite solar cells by numerical simulationJamal M.S.; Shahahmadi S.A.; Chelvanathan P.; Asim N.; Misran H.; Hossain M.I.; Amin N.; Sopian K.; Akhtaruzzaman M
2019Effects of growth temperature on the photovoltaic properties of RF sputtered undoped NiO thin filmsJamal M.S.; Shahahmadi S.A.; Chelvanathan P.; Alharbi H.F.; Karim M.R.; Ahmad Dar M.; Luqman M.; Alharthi N.H.; , Al-Harthi Y.S.; Aminuzzaman M.; Asim N.; Sopian K.; Tiong S.K.; Amin N.; Akhtaruzzaman M.
2019Elucidating the role of interfacial MoS2 layer in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells by numerical analysisFerdaous M.T.; Shahahmadi S.A.; Chelvanathan P.; Akhtaruzzaman M.; Alharbi F.H.; Sopian K.; Tiong S.K.; Amin N.
2019Emerging sustainable solutions for depollution: GeopolymersAsim N.; Alghoul M.; Mohammad M.; Amin M.H.; Akhtaruzzaman M.; Amin N.; Sopian K.
2019Impact of dc-sputtered mo interlayer on the structural and compositional properties of cu2znsns4 (CZTS) thin films on flexible mo substratesHeriche H.; Chelvanathan P.; Shahahmadi S.A.; Yusoff Y.; Bais B.; Rouabah Z.; Tiong S.K.; Sopian K.; Amin N.
2019Key factors of desiccant-based cooling systems: MaterialsAsim N.; Amin M.H.; Alghoul M.A.; Badiei M.; Mohammad M.; Gasaymeh S.S.; Amin N.; Sopian K.
2020Organosoluble starch-cellulose binary polymer blend as a quasi-solid electrolyte in a dye-sensitized solar cellSelvanathan V.; Yahya R.; Ruslan M.H.; Sopian K.; Amin N.; Nour M.; Sindi H.; Rawa M.; Akhtaruzzaman M.
2020An overview of solar photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life material recyclingChowdhury M.S.; Rahman K.S.; Chowdhury T.; Nuthammachot N.; Techato K.; Akhtaruzzaman M.; Tiong S.K.; Sopian K.; Amin N.
2020Perceiving of Defect Tolerance in Perovskite Absorber Layer for Efficient Perovskite Solar CellMahjabin S.; Haque M.M.; Sobayel K.; Jamal M.S.; Islam M.A.; Selvanatan V.; Assaifan A.K.; Alharbi H.F.; Sopian K.; Amin N.; Akhtaruzzaman M
2019Turbulent convective heat transfer of silica oxide nanofluid through corrugated channels: An experimental and numerical studyAjeel R.K.; Salim W.S.-I.; Sopian K.; Yusoff M.Z.; Hasnan K.; Ibrahim A.; Al-Waeli A.H.A.