Browsing by Author Shankar K.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysing the performance of classification algorithms on diseases datasetsLydia E.L.; Sharmil N.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019Application design of catfish species specificationYanto A.F.; Nguyen P.T.; Laxmi Lydia E.; Shankar K.; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Application design of electronic ID cardSusanto A.; Nguyen P.T.; Ramya K.C.; Shankar K.; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Application of analytical hierarchy process method in laptop selectionYunita D.; Ayshwarya B.; Ridhawati E.; Huda M.; Hashim A.; Teh K.S.M.; Nguyen P.T.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019Application of expert system for determining export quality pepper seeds using website-based forward chaining methodMuslihudin M.; Hemalatha S.; Shankar K.; Perumal E.; Nofiyanti,; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A
2019Aqua bill store mineral water sales application programAyshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Al Bazar F.; Aminudin N.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Gorina L.N.; Maseleno A.
2019Bat optimization algorithm with fuzzy based PIT sharing (BF-PIT) algorithm for Named Data Networking (NDN)Uma Maheswari P.; Manickam P.; Sathesh Kumar K.; Maseleno A.; Shankar K.
2019The best land selection using simple additive weightingAyshwarya B.; Firdiansah F.A.; Alfian F.Y.; , Nguyen P.T.; Hashim W.; Shankar K.; Abadi S.; Peteraitis S.K.; Maseleno A.
2019The best of village head performance: Simple additive weighting methodAmbika P.; Ayshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Hashim W.; Rinjani F.; Muslihudin M.; Shankar K.; Denisova O.P.; Maseleno A.
2019Big data analytics and intelligence: A perspective for health careMuruganantham A.; Nguyen P.T.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Boarding house selection using SAW methodMukhlis H.; Ayshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Hashim W.; Hardono; Maesaroh S.; Sagita Y.D.; Surmiasih; Sanjaya R.; Oktafianto; Shankar K.; Denisova O.P.; Maseleno A.
2019Brain tumor segmentation and classification using KNN algorithmSuhartono; Nguyen P.T.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Concept of telemarketing study and its type and importanceHermawati A.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Data integration and data privacy through “Pay-As-You-Go” approachLydia E.L.; Pandiselvam R.; Saranya R.; Kirutikaa U.S.; Ilayaraja M.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019Decision support system for determining lecturer scholarships for doctoral study using CBR (Case-based reasoning) methodSusilowati T.; Manickam P.; Devika G.; Shankar K.; Latifah,; Muslihudin M.; Hashim W.; Huda M.; Korostelev A.A.; Maseleno A.
2019Decision support system in kindergarten selection using TOPSIS methodMuslihudin M.; Ilayaraja M.; Sathesh Kumar K.; Shankar K.; Jamilah J.; Novitasari D.; Huda M.; Hashim W.; Rudenko I.V.; Maseleno A
2019Decision support system of employee performance evaluationFitriana A.; Nguyen P.T.; Rema Devi S.; Shankar K.; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Design analysis of web-based employee information system in office of technical implementation unit of education departmentAyshwarya B.; Yansyah A.; , Nguyen P.T.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; , Abadi S.; , Odarich I.N.; Maseleno A.
2019Design analysis of web-based furniture marketing information systemAyshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Alismi; Abadi S.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Korostelev A.A.; Maseleno A.
2019E-commerce application system at motorcycle showroomTriraharjo B.; Nguyen P.T.; Perumal E.; Shankar K.; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.