Browsing by Author Sebayang A.H.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Effects of acids pre-treatment on the microbial fermentation process for bioethanol production from microalgaePhwan C.K.; Chew K.W.; Sebayang A.H.; Ong H.C.; Ling T.C.; Malek M.A.; Ho Y.-C.; Show P.L.
2019Intensiļ¬cation of Reutealis trisperma biodiesel production using infrared radiation: Simulation, optimisation and validationSilitonga A.S.; Mahlia T.M.I.; Kusumo F.; Dharma S.; Sebayang A.H.; Sembiring R.W.; Shamsuddin A.H.
2019Optimization of cerbera manghas biodiesel production using artificial neural networks integrated with ant colony optimizationSilitonga A.S.; Mahlia T.M.I.; Shamsuddin A.H.; Ong H.C.; Milano J.; Kusumo F.; Sebayang A.H.; Dharma S.; Ibrahim H.; Husin H.; Mofijur M.; Rahman S.M.A.
2019The performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with Calophyllum inophyllum- palm biodieselDamanik N.; Ong H.C.; Mofijur M.; Tong C.W.; Silitonga A.S.; Shamsuddin A.H.; Sebayang A.H.; Mahlia T.M.I.; Wang C.-T.; Jang J.-H.
2019Production process and optimization of solid bioethanol from empty fruit bunches of palm oil using response surface methodologyNurfahmi,; Mofijur M.; Ong H.C.; Jan B.M.; Kusumo F.; Sebayang A.H.; Husin H.; Silitonga A.S.; Mahlia T.M.I.; Rahman S.M.A
2019Properties and corrosion behaviors of mild steel in biodiesel-diesel blendsDharma S.; Silitonga A.S.; Shamsuddin A.H.; Sebayang A.H.; Milano J.; Sebayang R.; Sarjianto,; Ibrahim H.; Bahri N.,; Ginting B.; Damanik N.