Browsing by Author Sahari K.S.M.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Category classification of deformable object using hybrid dynamic model for robotic graspingHou Y.C.; Sahari K.S.M.; How D.N.T.; Weng L.Y.
2019Conceptual design of outer tube inspection robotAziz M.A.; Jalal M.F.A.; Sahari K.S.M.; Leong Y.W.; Sekari S.A.
2019Design and development of end effector for changing bulbKhazani M.M.M.; Jalal M.F.A.; Isa M.R.; Sahari K.S.M.
2019Real-time modeling and parameter approximation of dexterous garment folding by robotYew C.H.; Sahari K.S.M.
2019Recognizing Malaysia traffic signs with pre-trained deep convolutional neural networksHow D.N.T.; Sahari K.S.M.; Hou Y.C.; Basubeit O.G.S.
2019A review on modeling of flexible deformable object for dexterous robotic manipulationHou Y.C.; Sahari K.S.M.; How D.N.T.
2019Sampling-based online motion planning for mobile robots: utilization of Tabu search and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemKhaksar W.; Hong T.S.; Sahari K.S.M.; Khaksar M.; Torresen.
2019Solenoid actuated five-fingered robotic hand design: Evaluating the capability of solenoid actuators in generating basic finger motionsBahrin S.Z.A.S.K.; Sahari K.S.M.