Browsing by Author Nguyen Q.L.H.T.T.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Best quality tomato selection by supply chain strategy for renewable energyNguyen P.T.; Nguyen Q.L.H.T.T.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.; Susilowati T.; Suyono,; Huynh V.D.B.; Vu N.B.; Le L.P.; Vo K.D.; Phan P.T.
2019A preliminary stage of supply chain strategy: Selection qualified catfish seedNguyen P.T.; Nguyen Q.L.H.T.T.; Maseleno A.; Hashim W.; Zulkarnain R.; Susilowati T.; Huynh V.D.B.; Vu N.B.; Le L.P.; Vo K.D.; Phan P.T.