Browsing by Author Mukodimah S.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Application of weighted product method for determining home renovation assistance in Pringsewu district | Muslihudin M.; Ayshwarya B.; Effendi; Yusfika D.; Pribadi M.R.; Susanto F.; Hashim W.; Nguyen P.T.; Maseleno A.; Mukodimah S.; Vellyana D. |
2019 | Fuzzy logic prediction of dengue hemorrhagic fever distribution in pringsewu region | Muslihudin M.; Mukodimah S.; Dwiyana E.; Trisnawati; Hashim W.; Maseleno A. |
2019 | Into the furniture woods: Analytical hierarchy process method | Kumar R.; Ayshwarya B.; Muslihudin M.; Nguyen P.T.; Alfian F.Y.; Hashim W.; Shankar K.; Hafizah S.; Mukodimah S.; Odarich I.N., Maseleno A.; Odarich I.N.; Maseleno A. |
2019 | Performance of saw and wp method in determining the feasibility of motorcycle engineering workshop for competency test of vocational high school student | Muslihudin M.; Trisnawati; Mukodimah S.; Hashim W.; Ayshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Shankar K.; Peteraitis S.K.; Maseleno A. |