Browsing by Author Mohamed H.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysis on structure reliability of solar powered water treatment device (SWAD) prototypeIsmail I.N.B.; Khean F.F.; Zawawi M.H.; Zahari N.M.; Abidin S.Z.; Yusairah W.N.; Zuhdi A.W.M.; Eqwan M.R.; Mohamed H.; Ramli M.Z.; Mansor M.H.; Syaifoelida F.; Zakaria A.A.; Isa M.R.; Mohamad D.; Jaafar M.F.; Rahmat N.A.; Rahman M.S.A.
2019Characterization of mechanical properties on natural fibre reinforced polymer using kenaf and polyurethaneIsa M.R.; Suhaimi A.B.; Zaroog O.S.; Zahari N.M.; Sulaiman S.N.; Ismail I.N.; Mohamed H.
2019Design and development of fully automated water sprinkler system for small agriculture fieldMohanasundram T.; Isa M.R.; Ismail I.N.; Zahari N.M.; Roslan M.E.; Mohamed H.; Vicki W.V.
2019Development of solar powered water treatment device (SWAD) prototypeIsmail I.N.B.; Khean F.F.; Zawawi M.H.; Zahari N.M.; Abidin S.Z.; Yusairah W.N.; Zuhdi A.W.M.; Eqwan M.R.; Mohamed H.; Ramli M.Z.; Mansor M.H.; Syaifoelida F.; Zakaria A.A.; Isa M.R.; Mohamad D.; Jaafar M.F.; Rahmat N.A.; Rahman M.S.A.
2020Investigation on the effects of heat sink on the performance of thermoelectric generator for human body heat harvestingYou T.K.; Mohamed H.; Mujaini M.