Browsing by Author Mohamad H.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Implementation of graphical user interface to observe and examine the frequency and rotor angle stability of a power system due to small disturbancesSalim N.A.; Ab Samah M.S.; Mohamad H.; Yasin Z.M.; Ab Aziz N.F.
2019Prediction of solar irradiance using grey Wolf optimizer least square support vector machineYasin Z.M.; Salim N.A.; Aziz N.F.A.; Mohamad H.; Wahab N.A.
2020Progress in control and coordination of energy storage system-based VSG: A reviewOthman M.H.; Mokhlis H.; Mubin M.; Talpur S.; Aziz N.F.A.; Dradi M.; Mohamad H.