Browsing by Author Mohamad D.
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Analysis on structure reliability of solar powered water treatment device (SWAD) prototype | Ismail I.N.B.; Khean F.F.; Zawawi M.H.; Zahari N.M.; Abidin S.Z.; Yusairah W.N.; Zuhdi A.W.M.; Eqwan M.R.; Mohamed H.; Ramli M.Z.; Mansor M.H.; Syaifoelida F.; Zakaria A.A.; Isa M.R.; Mohamad D.; Jaafar M.F.; Rahmat N.A.; Rahman M.S.A. |
2019 | Assessing stakeholder’s view forquality bus servicesin kuala lumpur | Norhisham S.; Bakar M.F.A.; Tajri A.; Mohamad D.; Yatuka S.; Masjuki S.A.; Shkuri N.S.; Zaini N. |
2019 | Biological performance of integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) process | Zahari N.M.; Khairuddin P.N.; Mohiyaden H.A.; Sidek L.M.; Mohamad D. |
2019 | Development of solar powered water treatment device (SWAD) prototype | Ismail I.N.B.; Khean F.F.; Zawawi M.H.; Zahari N.M.; Abidin S.Z.; Yusairah W.N.; Zuhdi A.W.M.; Eqwan M.R.; Mohamed H.; Ramli M.Z.; Mansor M.H.; Syaifoelida F.; Zakaria A.A.; Isa M.R.; Mohamad D.; Jaafar M.F.; Rahmat N.A.; Rahman M.S.A. |
2019 | Effect of Laminate Properties on the Failure of Cross Arm Structure under Multi-Axial Load | Mohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Beddu S.; Kamal N.L.M.; Zainoodin M.M.; Razali M.F.; Abas A.; Seman S.A.H.A.; Ng F.C. |
2019 | An examination on durability and degradation of glass fiber reinforced polymer structures | Syamsir A.; Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; , Itam Z.; Sadon S.N. |
2019 | Immobilization of heavy metal in coal bottom ash (CBA) mortar | Kamal N.L.M.; Beddu S.; Zahari N.M.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Mohamad D.; Sadon S.N.; Yang K.J.; Manan T.S.B.A. |
2019 | Numerical Simulation on the Statics Deformation Study of Composite Cross Arms of Different Materials and Configurations | Mohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Bakar H.A.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.; Razali M.F.; Seman S.A.H.A |
2019 | Numerical study of composite fiberglass cross arms under statics loading and improvement with sleeve installation | Mohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Beddu S.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.; Razali M.F.; Seman S.A.H.A. |
2019 | Prediction of future ozone concentration for next three days using linear regression and nonlinear regression models | Mubin Zahari N.; Ezzah Shamimi R.; Hafiz Zawawi M.; Zia Ul-Saufie A.; Mohamad D. |
2019 | A review on durability and degradation of glass fiber reinforced polymer structures | Syamsir A.; Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; Itam Z.; Sadon S.N. |
2019 | Stacking sequence effects on performance of composite laminate structure subjected to multi-axial quasi-static loading | Mohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Sa'Don S.N.; Zahari N.M.; Seman S.A.H.A.; Razali M.F.; Abas A.; Ng F.C. |
2019 | Statistical overview on quality bus services in klang valley | Norhisham S.; Bakar M.F.A.; Tajri A.A.; Mohamad D.; Yatuka S.; Masjuki S.A.; Mohdshkuri N.S.; Zaini N. |
2019 | Study of physical properties and environmental monitoring for diapers polymer | Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; Sadon S.N.; Sheng H.W.; Ismail I.N.; Sapuan W.K.M. |
2020 | Utilization of fly ash cenosphere to study mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight concrete | Beddu S.; Ahmad M.; Mohamad D.; bin Noorul Ameen M.I.; Itam Z.; Kamal N.L.M.; Basri N.A.N. |