Browsing by Author Misran H.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019A Case Study on Cost-efficient Solar Powered Drinking Water System for Isolated CommunitiesKabir K.M.; Matin M.A.; Misran H.; Amin N.
2019Effect of defect density and energy level mismatch on the performance of perovskite solar cells by numerical simulationJamal M.S.; Shahahmadi S.A.; Chelvanathan P.; Asim N.; Misran H.; Hossain M.I.; Amin N.; Sopian K.; Akhtaruzzaman M
2019High mobility and transparent ZTO ETM prepared by RF reactive co-sputtering for perovskite solar cell applicationIslam M.A.; Rahman K.S.; Misran H.; Asim N.; Hossain M.S.; Akhtaruzzaman M.; Amin N.
2019Impact of CdTe thin film thickness in ZnxCd1−xS/CdTe solar cell by RF sputteringHossain M.S.; Rahman K.S.; Karim M.R.; Aijaz M.O.; Dar M.A.; Shar M.A.; Misran H.; Amin N.
2019Influence of deposition time in CdTe thin film properties grown by Close-Spaced Sublimation (CSS) for photovoltaic applicationRahman K.S. ; Harif M.N. ; Rosly H.N. ; Kamaruzzaman M.I.B. ; Akhtaruzzaman M. ; Alghoul M. ; Misran H. ; Amin N. 
2019Solar photovoltaic assisted cost-efficient brackish water purification systemKabir K.M.; Matin M.A.; Misran H.; Amin N.
2019Water adsorption characteristics and microcalorimetric studies of MOF-5 and MOF-199 synthesized using “green” sol-gelMisran H.; Othman S.Z.; Mahadi N.; Aspanut Z.; Lockman Z.; Matsumoto A.; Amin N.