Browsing by Author Matin M.A.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019A Case Study on Cost-efficient Solar Powered Drinking Water System for Isolated CommunitiesKabir K.M.; Matin M.A.; Misran H.; Amin N.
2019Characterization of Intrinsic and Doped ZnO Thin-Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering for Chalcogenide Based Solar Cell ApplicationsGupta A.K.S.; Ahamed E.M.K.I.; Quamruzzaman M.; Matin M.A.; Rahaman K.S.; Amin N.
2019Effect of Cd1-xZnxS Window Layer Incorporation in CdTe Solar Cell by Numerical SimulationDas N.K.; Sengupta A.K.; Dey M.; Rahman K.S.; Matin M.A.; Amin N.
2019Effect of growth temperature on the structural and optical properties of CdS:O thin films for CdTe solar cellsDas N.K.; Chakrabartty J.; Farhad S.F.U.; Matin M.A.; Amin N.
2019Electrical Properties of CSS Deposited CdTe Thin Films for Solar Cell ApplicationsDas N.K.; Razi S.A.; Rahman K.S.; Matin M.A.; Amin N.
2019Solar photovoltaic assisted cost-efficient brackish water purification systemKabir K.M.; Matin M.A.; Misran H.; Amin N.
2019Structural properties of bi-layer Molybdenum Thin-film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering for CZTS solar cellsGupta A.A.K.S.; Ahamed E.M.K.I.; Quamruzzaman M.; Matin M.A.; Rahaman K.S..; Amin N
2019Structural properties of CdS thin-films deposited by RF magnetron sputteringAhamed E.M.K.I.; Gupta A.K.S.; Khan M.N.I.; Matin M.A.; Amin N.