Browsing by Author Maseleno A

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Application of expert system for determining export quality pepper seeds using website-based forward chaining methodMuslihudin M.; Hemalatha S.; Shankar K.; Perumal E.; Nofiyanti,; Abadi S.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A
2019Crisis of higher education in RussiaVakhitov R.R.; Rodionova A.E.; Smirnova E.V.; Mukhutdinov R.H.; Arzhakova M.I.; Maseleno A
2019Decision support system in kindergarten selection using TOPSIS methodMuslihudin M.; Ilayaraja M.; Sathesh Kumar K.; Shankar K.; Jamilah J.; Novitasari D.; Huda M.; Hashim W.; Rudenko I.V.; Maseleno A