Browsing by Author Marsadek M.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019ANFIS based neuro-fuzzy control of dfig for wind power generation in standalone modeAmin I.K.; Nasir Uddin M.; Marsadek M.
2019A novel differential-based protection scheme for intertie zone of large-scale centralized dfig wind farmsRezaei N.; Uddin M.N.; Amin I.K.; Othman M.L.; Marsadek M.
2020Utility-scale photovoltaic generators: A review on trends, grid code requirements and challengesTan N.M.L.; Ramasamy A.K.; Ramachandaramurthy V.K.; Marsadek M.; Othman M.R.; Ariffin I.