Browsing by Author Manickam P.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Bat optimization algorithm with fuzzy based PIT sharing (BF-PIT) algorithm for Named Data Networking (NDN)Uma Maheswari P.; Manickam P.; Sathesh Kumar K.; Maseleno A.; Shankar K.
2019Decision support system for determining lecturer scholarships for doctoral study using CBR (Case-based reasoning) methodSusilowati T.; Manickam P.; Devika G.; Shankar K.; Latifah,; Muslihudin M.; Hashim W.; Huda M.; Korostelev A.A.; Maseleno A.
2019Expert system in determining baby disease using web mobile-based weighted product methodMuslihudin M.; Devika G.; Manickam P.; Shankar K.; Putra D.P.; Putra E.P.S.; Huda M.; Hashim W.; Denisova O.P.; Maseleno