Browsing by Author Mahmoud M.A.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Bat optimized link state routing protocol for energy-aware mobile ad-hoc networksJubair M.A.; Mostafa S.A.; Muniyandi R.C.; Mahdin H.; Mustapha A.; Hassan M.H.; Mahmoud M.A.; Al-Jawhar Y.A.; Al-Khaleefa A.S.; Mahmood A.J.
2020A Development Methodology Framework of Smart Manufacturing Systems (Industry 4.0)Mahmoud M.A.; Ramli R.; Azman F.; Grace J.
2019A generic evaluation framework of smart manufacturing systemsMahmoud M.A.; Grace J.
2019Norm-based behavior regulating technique for multi-agent in complex adaptive systemsMahmoud M.A.; Ahmad M.S.; Mostafa S.A.
2020An Ontology-Based Predictive Maintenance Tool for Power Substation Faults in Distribution GridMahmoud M.A. ; Tang A.Y.C. ; Kumar K. ; Law N.L.L.M.F. ; Gurunathan M. ; Ramachandran D. 
2020A review and development methodology of a lightweight security model for IoT-based smart devicesGurunathan M.; Mahmoud M.A.
2019A review of ontology development aspectsLaw N.L.L.M.F.; Mahmoud M.A.; Tang A.Y.C.; Lim F.-C.; Kasim H.; Othman M.; Yong C.
2019Towards the adoption of smart manufacturing systems: A development frameworkMahmoud M.A.; Grace J.
2019Value management-based alternatives ranking approach for automated negotiationMahmoud M.A.; Ahmad M.S.; Idrus A.