Browsing by Author Lydia E.L.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysing the performance of classification algorithms on diseases datasetsLydia E.L.; Sharmil N.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019Big data analytics and intelligence: A perspective for health careMuruganantham A.; Nguyen P.T.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Concept of telemarketing study and its type and importanceHermawati A.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Data integration and data privacy through “Pay-As-You-Go” approachLydia E.L.; Pandiselvam R.; Saranya R.; Kirutikaa U.S.; Ilayaraja M.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019Image classification using deep neural networks for malaria disease detectionLydia E.L.; Moses G.J.; Sharmili N.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.
2019The increasing market of ecommerce and its impact on retailerJan R.H.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Mobile E-commerce website for technology-based buying selling servicesAsih E.S.; Kasmi; Nguyen P.T.; Lydia E.L.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Maseleno A.
2019Transforming health care big data implementing through Aprior-MapreduceLydia E.L.; Selvam R.P.; Kirutikaa U.S.; Saranya R.; Ilayaraja M.; Shankar K.; Maseleno A.