Browsing by Author Korostelev A.A.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Decision support system for determining lecturer scholarships for doctoral study using CBR (Case-based reasoning) methodSusilowati T.; Manickam P.; Devika G.; Shankar K.; Latifah,; Muslihudin M.; Hashim W.; Huda M.; Korostelev A.A.; Maseleno A.
2019Design analysis of web-based furniture marketing information systemAyshwarya B.; Nguyen P.T.; Alismi; Abadi S.; Shankar K.; Hashim W.; Korostelev A.A.; Maseleno A.
2019Elections and russian citizens residing overseas: Prospects for internet votingYarygin G.O.; Korostelev A.A.; Mukhutdinov R.H.; Maseleno A.
2019Formulation of the problem of mathematical modeling of accommodation of basic stations of cellular communication in residential territories for students of it-directions of preparationBogdanova A.V.; Korostelev A.A.; Mukhutdinov R.H.; Shakirova I.A.; Maseleno A.
2019Modeling of competence as a tool of goal setting for education in modern societyYarygin O.N.; Korostelev A.A.; Akhmetov L.G.; Maseleno A.
2019Reengineering of business processes of the higher school: Its prerequisitesBogdanova A.V.; Korostelev A.A.; Shepelyuk O.L.; Rodionova A.E.; Fardeeva I.N.; Maseleno.