Browsing by Author Kisi O.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Advanced machine learning model for better prediction accuracy of soil temperature at different depths | Alizamir M. ; Kisi O. ; Ahmed A.N. ; Mert C. ; Fai C.M. ; Kim S. ; Kim N.W. ; El-Shafie A. |
2019 | Development of a novel hybrid optimization algorithm for minimizing irrigation deficiencies | Valikhan-Anaraki M.; Mousavi S.-F.; Farzin S.; Karami H.; Ehteram M.; Kisi O.; Fai C.M.; Hossain M.S.; Hayder G.; Shafie A.; Ahmed A.N.; El-Shafie A.H.; Bin Hashi m H.; Afan H.A.; Lai S.H., E |
2019 | An improved model based on the support vector machine and cuckoo algorithm for simulating reference evapotranspiration | Ehteram M.; Singh V.P.; Ferdowsi A.; Mousavi S.F.; Farzin S.; Karami H.; Mohd N.S.; Afan H.A.; Lai S.H.; Kisi O.; Malek M.A.; Ahmed A.N.; El-Shafi. |