Browsing by Author Itam Z.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Carbon Dioxide Sequestered ConcreteKamal N.L.M. ; Itam Z. ; Sivaganese Y. ; Razak N.A. 
2019Immobilization of heavy metal in coal bottom ash (CBA) mortarKamal N.L.M.; Beddu S.; Zahari N.M.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Mohamad D.; Sadon S.N.; Yang K.J.; Manan T.S.B.A.
2019Mechanical properties of hot-mix asphalt using waste crumber rubber and phenol formaldehyde polymerAhmad M.; Beddu S.; Hussain S.; Manan A.; Itam Z.
2019Numerical Simulation on the Statics Deformation Study of Composite Cross Arms of Different Materials and ConfigurationsMohamad D.; Syamsir A.; Itam Z.; Bakar H.A.; Abas A.; Ng F.C.; Razali M.F.; Seman S.A.H.A
2019A review on durability and degradation of glass fiber reinforced polymer structuresSyamsir A.; Mohamad D.; Beddu S.; Itam Z.; Sadon S.N.
2019Simulation of alkali-silica reaction model in a concrete gravity dam at the macroscale and mesoscaleItam Z.; Beddu S.; Mohammad D.; Kamal N.L.M.; Razak N.A.; Hamid Z.A.A.
2020Utilization of fly ash cenosphere to study mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight concreteBeddu S.; Ahmad M.; Mohamad D.; bin Noorul Ameen M.I.; Itam Z.; Kamal N.L.M.; Basri N.A.N.