Browsing by Author Ismail I.N.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Characterization of mechanical properties on natural fibre reinforced polymer using kenaf and polyurethaneIsa M.R.; Suhaimi A.B.; Zaroog O.S.; Zahari N.M.; Sulaiman S.N.; Ismail I.N.; Mohamed H.
2019Design and development of fully automated water sprinkler system for small agriculture fieldMohanasundram T.; Isa M.R.; Ismail I.N.; Zahari N.M.; Roslan M.E.; Mohamed H.; Vicki W.V.
2019Relative importance index (RII) in ranking of quality factors on industrialised building system (IBS) projects in MalaysiaAzman N.S.; Ramli M.Z.; Razman R.; Zawawi M.H.; Ismail I.N.; Isa M.R.
2019A review: Independent water and wastewater treatment methodsYusairah W.N.; Zawawi M.H.; Abidin S.Z.; Ismail I.N.; Zahari M.N.; Kamaruddin M.A.; Sidek L.M.
2019Study of physical properties and environmental monitoring for diapers polymerMohamad D.; Beddu S.; Sadon S.N.; Sheng H.W.; Ismail I.N.; Sapuan W.K.M.