Browsing by Author Deros S.N.M.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Modelling of population density in urban cities using VIIRS night time light dataDeros S.N.M.; Din N.M.; Norzeli S.; Sukri A.M.; Bin Baharuddin M.
2019Read range performance of microstrip patch reader antenna for uhf rfid applicationsNorzeli S.M.; Din N.M.; Ismail I.; Deros S.N.M.; Ali M.T.; Saravani S.
2020A review of vegetation encroachment detection in power transmission lines using optical sensing satellite imageryHaroun F.M.E.; Deros S.N.M.; Din N.M.
2019Seasonal wind pattern model development for coral reef monitoringDeros S.N.M.; Din N.M.; Norzeli S.; Asmat A.; Mansor S.