Browsing by Author Basri H.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Application of GIS as part of flood risk management for evacuation of vulnerable communities during disaster in Kenyir, Terengganu Darul ImanNorkhairi F.F.; Thiruchelvam S.; Hasini H.; Sidek L.M.; Muda R.S.; Ghazali A.; Mustapha K.N.; Basri H.; Singh R.S.D.
2019Comparative analysis of reservoir sediment inflow forecasting using RUSLE-SDR, rainfall – runoff-sediment discharge rating curve (RR-SRC) and SWATAbdul Razad A.Z.; Sidek L.M.; Basri H.; Jung K.S.
2019Differentiation of reservoir sediment inflow forecasting using RUSLE-SDR, Rainfall - Runoff - Sediment Discharge Rating Curve (RR-SRC) and SWATAbdul Razad Z.;; Sidek L.M.; Basri H.; Jung K.S.
2019Evaluating the travel demand using E-bike on campusNorhisham S.; Bakar M.F.A.; Huri A.H.; Mohammad A.; Khalid N.H.N.; Basri H.; Mardi N.H.; Zaini N.
2019Hydrometeorological monitoring for hydropower reservoirs in remote areasBasri H.; Sidek L.M.; Chua L.H.C.; Abdul Razad A.Z.; Kamarulzaman M.S.