Browsing by Author Aziz M.Z.A.A.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Design and evaluation of finite and small antennas at 0.97 GHz for lightning remote sensingSeah B.Y.; Ahmad M.R.; AlKahtani A.A.; Esa M.R.M.; Sidik M.A.B.; Baharin S.A.S.; Sabri M.H.M.; Yusop N.; Aziz M.Z.A.A.; Al-Khaleefa A.S.; Shairi N.A.; Kadir M.Z.A.A.B.
2019The evaluation of parallel plate antenna with variation of air gaps separation and copper plate areaMohammad S.A.; Ahmad M.R.; Alkahtani A.A.; Esa M.R.M.; Sidik M.A.B.; Nawawi Z.; Jambak M.I.; Baharin S.A.S.; Sabri M.H.M.; Yusop N.; Aziz M.Z.A.A.; Al-Khaleefa A.S.; Kadir M.Z.A.A.B.
2019Initial electric field changes of lightning flashes in tropical thunderstorms and their relationship to the lightning initiation mechanismSabri M.H.M..; Ahmad M.R.; Esa M.R.M.; Periannan D.; Lu G.; Zhang H.; Cooray V.; Williams E.; Aziz M.Z.A.A.; Abdul-Malek Z.; Alkahtani A.A.; Kadir M.Z.A.A.B