Showing results 1 to 10 of 759
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | A compact rectangular patch ultra wideband antenna with WLAN band-rejection | Jalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Kasi, B. |
2016 | A norm assimilation approach for multi-agent systems in heterogeneous communities | Mahmoud, M.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Yusoff, M.Z.M. |
2015 | A review on IT outsourcing practices for e-business transformation among SMEs in Malaysia | Sabri, S.M. ; Sulaiman, R. ; Ahmad, A. ; Tang, A. |
2018 | A stability study on shelf life of spicy shrimp paste (Sambal Belacan) in Malaysian SMEs' (small medium enterprise) | Sharif, Z.M. ; Jalil, N.J. ; Othman, M.S. |
2016 | A study of meditation effectiveness for virtual reality based stress therapy using eeg measurement and questionnaire approaches | Perhakaran, G. ; Yusof, A.M. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Yusoff, M.Z.M. ; Mahalil, I. ; Zainuddin, A.R.R. |
2011 | Academia and industry collaboration: It takes two (+1) to tango! | Chen, L.F. ; Omar, R. |
2012 | Affect of binder on mechanical and physical characterization of titanium dioxide based varistor | Gholizadehsangesaraki, S. ; Begum, S. ; Nainar, M.A.M. ; Kothandapani, Z. |
2014 | Agent's autonomy adjustment via situation awareness | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. ; Annamalai, M. ; Mustapha, A. |
2014 | Agents of Things (AoT): An intelligent operational concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) | Mzahm, A.M. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Tang, A.Y.C. |
2009 | Agricultural produce sorting and grading using support vector machines and fuzzy logic | Mustafa, N.B.A. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Ali, Z. ; Yit, W.B. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. ; Md Sharrif, Z.A. |