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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | 1700 nm and 1800 nm band tunable thulium doped mode-locked fiber lasers | Emami, S.D. ; Dashtabi, M.M. ; Lee, H.J. ; Arabanian, A.S. ; Rashid, H.A.A. |
2008 | A comparison study on SnAgNiCo and Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu C5 lead free solder system | Leng, E.P. ; Ding, M. ; Ling, W.T. ; Amin, N. ; Ahmad, I. ; Lee, M.Y. ; Haseeb, A.S.M.A. |
2016 | A Conceptual Framework for Procurement Decision Making Model to Optimize Supplier Selection: The Case of Malaysian Construction Industry | Chuan, N.M. ; Thiruchelvam, S. ; Mustapha, K.N. ; Muda, Z.C. ; Husin, N.M. ; Yong, L.C. ; Ghazali, A. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Itam, Z.B. ; Beddu, S. ; Kamal, N.L.M. |
2017 | A Conceptual Multi-Agent Semantic Web Model of a self-Adaptive website for intelligent strategic marketing in learning institutions | Mahmoud, M. A. ; Yusof, A. ; Ahmad, M. S. |
2014 | A dynamic measurement of agent autonomy in the layered adjustable autonomy model | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Ahmad, A. ; Annamalai, M. ; Mustapha, A. |
2018 | A hybrid algorithm for improving the quality of service in MANET | Hassan, M.H. ; Mostafa, S.A. ; Budiyono, A. ; Mustapha, A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2013 | A layered adjustable autonomy approach for dynamic autonomy distribution | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Annamalai, M. ; Ahmad, A. ; Basheer, G.S. |
2018 | A negotiation algorithm for decision-making in the construction domain | Idrus, A. ; Mahmoud, M.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Yahya, A. ; Husen, H. |
2007 | A new technique of real-time monitoring of fiber optic cable networks transmission | Bakar, A.A.A. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Abdullah, F. ; Yaacob, M.H. ; Mahdi, M.A. ; Abdullah, M.K. |
2013 | A normative multi-agent framework for dynamic task assignment and delegation | Itaiwi, A.-M.K. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Hamid, N.H.A. ; Yusoff, M.Z.M. ; Mahmoud, M.A. |
2014 | A novel conflict resolution strategy in multi-agent systems: Concept and model | Basheer, G.S. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. ; Mohd. Yusoff, M.Z. ; Mostafa, S.A. |
2018 | A novel secret key generation based on image link | Sulaiman, A.H. ; Al-Shaikhli, I.F.T. ; Wahiddin, M.R. ; Houri, S. ; Jamil, N. ; Ismail, A.F. |
2018 | A power system network splitting strategy based on contingency analysis | Saharuddin, N.Z. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Mokhlis, H. ; Abdullah, A.R. ; Naidu, K. |
2018 | A regulative norms mining algorithm for complex adaptive system | Mahmoud, M.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Yusoff, M.Z.M. ; Mostafa, S.A. |
2018 | A review of individual factors on knowledge sharing: Evidence from the empirical literature | Shehab, S. ; Rahim, R.E.A. ; Daud, S. |
2018 | A review of internet of energy based building energy management systems: Issues and recommendations | Hannan, M.A. ; Faisal, M. ; Ker, P.J. ; Mun, L.H. ; Parvin, K. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Blaabjerg, F. |
2014 | A review of norms and normative multiagent systems | Mahmoud, M.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Mohd Yusoff, M.Z. ; Mustapha, A. |