Browsing by Subject Personnel management.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Diploma in human resource management: coursebook.International Qualification Network 
2016Fundamentals of human resource management, 6th ed.Raymond A. Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick M. Wright. 
1996Human resource champions: the next agenda for adding and delivering result.Dave Ulrich. 
2017Human resource management : a contemporary approach, 8th ed.Edited by Julie Beardwell and Amanda Thompson. 
2019Human resource management : a critical approach, 2nd ed.Edited by David G. Collings, Geoffrey T. Wood And Leslie T. Szamosi. 
2015Human resource management for rural business in manitoba.The Government of Manitoba. 
2016Human resource management, 4th ed.Trevor Amos, Noel Pearse, Adrian Ristow, Liezel Ristow. 
2015Human resource management: practices assessing added value.Maike Andresen, Christian Nowak (Editors). 
2016Human resources policy manual: version 2.0Digital Empowerment Foundation. 
2014Human resources: professional competency framework.Human Resources Professionals Association. 
2016International human resource management, 4th ed.Chris Brewster, Elizabeth Houldsworth, Paul Sparrow, Guy Vernon. 
2015International human resources management: challenges and changes.Carolina Machado (Editor). 
2016Introducing human resource management, 7th ed.Margaret Foot, Caroline Hook, Andrew Jenkins. 
2015Introduction to human resource management principles.Mmalefu Manoto. 
2017The nonprofit human resource management handbook : from theory to practice.Edited by Jessica E. Sowa and Jessica K.A. Word. 
2018Organizational behaviour and human resource management: a guide to a specialized MBA course.Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (Editors). 
2003Planning and managing human resources strategic planning for human resources management, 2nd ed.William J. Rothwell, H. C. Kazanas. 
2018Skills framework for human resource: a guide to occupations and skills.SkillsFuture Singapore. 
2018Strategic human resource management and employment relations: an international perspective.Ashish Malik (Editor). 
2001Strategic human resource management,2nd ed.Charles R. Greer.