Browsing by Subject Finance.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Advanced modelling in finance using excel and VBA.Mary Jackson, Mike Staunton. 
2011Advances in entrepreneurial finance: with applications from behavioral finance and economics.Rassoul Yazdipour. 
2010The basics of finance : an introduction to financial markets, business finance, and portfolio management.Frank J. Fabozzi, Pamela Peterson Drake. 
2013Case studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation, 7th ed.Robert F. Bruner, Kenneth M. Eades, Michael J. Scholl. 
2003Finance for non-financial managers.Gene Siciliano. 
2016The financial controller and CFO’s toolkit: lean practices to transform your finance team, 3rd ed.David Parmenter. 
2019Financial institutions, instruments and Markets, 9th ed.Christopher Viney, Peter Phillips. 
2012Financial management for decision makers, 6th ed.Peter Atrill. 
2017Financial management for decision makers, 8th ed.Peter Atrill. 
2008Financial management: theory and practice, 12th ed.Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt. 
2015Financial markets and institutions, 11th ed.Jeff Madura. 
2012Financial markets and institutions, 7th ed.Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins. 
2018Financial markets and institutions, 9th EditionFrederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins. 
2010Financial markets and intitutions, 9th ed.Jeff Madura. 
2013Financial statement analysis and security valuation, 5th ed.Stephen H. Penman. 
2016Guide to personal finance.Financial Fitness Group. 
2011The handbook of news analytics in finance.Edited by Gautam Mitra and Leela Mitra. 
2018Handbook of recent advances in commodity and financial modeling: quantitative methods in banking, finance, insurance, energy and commodity markets.Giorgio Consigli, Silvana Stefani Giovanni Zambruno (Editors). 
2007Intermediate Financial Management, 9th ed.Eugene F. Brigham and Phillip R. Daves. 
2008International Financial Management, 9th ed.Jeff Madura.