Showing results 1 to 20 of 37
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | 50 economics ideas you really need to know. | Edmund Conway |
2016 | Advances in applied economic research: proceedings of the 2016 international conference on applied economics (ICOAE) | Nicholas Tsounis, Aspasia Vlachvei Editors |
2017 | Behavioral economics toward a new economics by integration with traditional economics | Masao Ogaki, Saori C. Tanaka |
2016 | Behavioral interactions, markets, and economic dynamics: topics in behavioral economics | Shinsuke Ikeda, Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato Fumio Ohtake, Yoshiro Tsutsui Editors |
2017 | China’s economic growth: towards sustainable economic development and social justice | John Joshua |
2015 | Economic and financial crises: a new macroeconomic analysis. | Alvaro Cencini, Sergio Rossi. |
2018 | Economic and financial modelling with EViews: a guide for students and professionals. | Abdulkader Aljandali, Motasam Tatahi. |
2011 | Economic indicators for dummies®. | Michael Griffi s, MBA |
2016 | Economic mobility: research & ideas on strengthening families, communities & the economy. | Alexandra Brown, David Buchholz, Daniel Davis, Arturo Gonzalez editors. |
2018 | Economics for dummies, 3rd. ed. | Sean Masaki Flynn |
2011 | Economics For Dummies®, 2nd. ed. | Peter Antonioni, Sean Masaki Flynn |
2017 | Economics for the common good | Jean Tirole |
2011 | The economics of development and planning, 40th ed. | M.L. Jhingan. |
2016 | The economics of money, banking, and financial markets, 11th ed., global edition. | Frederic S. Mishkin. |
2015 | Economics rules: why economics work, whe it falls, and how to tell the difference | Dani Rodrik |
2013 | Economics. | Paul Hoang and Margaret Ducie |
2018 | Economics: principles, problems, and policies, 21th. ed. | Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn. |
2016 | Essentials of Economics, 7th. ed. | John Sloman, Dean Garratt |
2009 | Foundations of modern macroeconomics, 2nd. ed. | Ben J. Heijdra. |
2017 | Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics, 3rd. ed. | Ben J. Heijdra. |