Browsing by Subject Economics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201350 economics ideas you really need to know.Edmund Conway 
2016Advances in applied economic research: proceedings of the 2016 international conference on applied economics (ICOAE)Nicholas Tsounis, Aspasia Vlachvei Editors 
2017Behavioral economics toward a new economics by integration with traditional economicsMasao Ogaki, Saori C. Tanaka 
2016Behavioral interactions, markets, and economic dynamics: topics in behavioral economicsShinsuke Ikeda, Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato Fumio Ohtake, Yoshiro Tsutsui Editors 
2017China’s economic growth: towards sustainable economic development and social justiceJohn Joshua 
2015Economic and financial crises: a new macroeconomic analysis.Alvaro Cencini, Sergio Rossi. 
2018Economic and financial modelling with EViews: a guide for students and professionals.Abdulkader Aljandali, Motasam Tatahi. 
2011Economic indicators for dummies®.Michael Griffi s, MBA 
2016Economic mobility: research & ideas on strengthening families, communities & the economy.Alexandra Brown, David Buchholz, Daniel Davis, Arturo Gonzalez editors. 
2018Economics for dummies, 3rd. ed.Sean Masaki Flynn 
2011Economics For Dummies®, 2nd. ed.Peter Antonioni, Sean Masaki Flynn 
2017Economics for the common goodJean Tirole 
2011The economics of development and planning, 40th ed.M.L. Jhingan. 
2016The economics of money, banking, and financial markets, 11th ed., global edition.Frederic S. Mishkin. 
2015Economics rules: why economics work, whe it falls, and how to tell the differenceDani Rodrik 
2013Economics.Paul Hoang and Margaret Ducie 
2018Economics: principles, problems, and policies, 21th. ed.Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn. 
2016Essentials of Economics, 7th. ed.John Sloman, Dean Garratt 
2009Foundations of modern macroeconomics, 2nd. ed.Ben J. Heijdra. 
2017Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics, 3rd. ed.Ben J. Heijdra.