Browsing by Author Hassan N.H.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Healthcare practitioner behaviours that influence unsafe use of hospital information systemsSalahuddin L. ; Ismail Z. ; Hashim U.R. ; Ismail N.H. ; Raja Ikram R.R. ; Abdul Rahim F. ; Hassan N.H. 
2020Numerical Study of the Flow-Induced Vibration during Tunnel Surging at the Intake Section of Chenderoh DamMazlan A.Z.A. ; Zawawi M.H. ; Arbain A. ; Ghazali M.H.M. ; Satar M.H.A. ; Abas M.A. ; Hassan N.H. ; Radzi M.R.M.