Browsing by Author Mohamed, A.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Development of multi-objective load shedding optimization via back tracking search algorithm with novel reactive power tracing indexVerayiah, R. ; Mohamed, A. ; Shareef, H. ; Abidin, I.H.Z. 
2016Multi-level optimization strategy for load shedding with tracing capability indexVerayiah, R. ; Mohamed, A. ; Shareef, H. ; Abidin, I.H.Z. 
2018An Optimal Scheduling Controller for Virtual Power Plant and Microgrid Integration Using the Binary Backtracking Search AlgorithmAbdolrasol, M.G.M. ; Hannan, M.A. ; Mohamed, A. ; Amiruldin, U.A.U. ; Abidin, I.B.Z. ; Uddin, M.N. 
2013Performance comparison of voltage stability indices for weak bus identification in power systemsVerayiah, R. ; Mohamed, A. ; Shareef, H. ; Abidin, I.H.Z. 
2018Review of baseline studies on energy policies and indicators in Malaysia for future sustainable energy developmentHannan, M.A. ; Rashid, M.M. ; Mohamed, A. ; Hossain Lipu, M.S. ; Abdolrasol, M.G. ; Begum, R