Browsing by Author Kamarulzaman, W.A.W.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018A review: Towards practical attack taxonomy for industrial control systemsQassim, Q.S. ; Jamil, N. ; Jidin, R. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Ahmad Zawawi, M.N. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Z'aba, M.R. ; Kamarulzaman, W.A.W. 
2018Simulating command injection attacks on IEC 60870-5-104 protocol in SCADA systemQassim, Q.S. ; Jamil, N. ; Daud, M. ; Ja'affar, N. ; Yussof, S. ; Ismail, R. ; Kamarulzaman, W.A.W.