Browsing by Author Razak, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Utilization of numerical techniques to predict the thermal behavior of wood column subjected to fire part B: Analysis of column temperature and fire resistanceElshayeb, M. ; Malik, A.R.A. ; Ideris, F. ; Hari, Z. ; Razak, N.A. ; Siang, J.E.L. ; Anuar, Z. 
2006Utilization of numerical techniques to predict the thermal behavior of wood column subjected to fire part C: Sensitivity analysisElshayeb, M. ; Malik, A.R.A. ; Ideris, F. ; Hari, Z. ; Razak, N.A. ; Siang, J.E.L. ; Anuar, Z.