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Rapisarda, P.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Autonomous localization of partial discharge sources within large transformer windings | Rahman, M.S.A. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Rapisarda, P. |
2015 | Comparative study of partial discharge localisation techniques within transformer windings | Abd Rahman, M.S. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Rapisarda, P. |
2013 | Construction of finite impulse wavelet filter for partial discharge localisation inside a transformer winding | Abd Rahman, M.S. ; Rapisarda, P. ; Lewin, P.L. |
2012 | Partial discharge propagation inside a high voltage transformer winding: Comparison of measurement and simulation | Abd Rahman, M.S. ; Rapisarda, P. ; Lewin, P.L. |
2013 | The study of the effect in variation of A.C. applied voltage to the partial discharge localization inside transformer windings | Rahman, M.S.A. ; Rapisarda, P. ; Lewin, P.L. |
2014 | The use of three dimensional filters for on-line partial discharge localisation in large transformers | Abd Rahman, M.S. ; Rapisarda, P. ; Lewin, P.L. |
2015 | Wavelet and mathematical morphology as the denoising methods for PD analysis of high voltage transformer windings | Nik Ali, N.H. ; Abd Rahman, M.S. ; Hunter, J.A. ; Lewin, P.L. ; Rapisarda, P. |