Browsing by Author
Yasmin, T.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Assessment of the global financial crisis effects on energy consumption and economic growth in Malaysia: An input-output analysis | Ali Bekhet, H. ; Yasmin, T. |
2017 | CO2 emissions, energy consumption, economic growth, and financial development in GCC countries: Dynamic simultaneous equation models | Bekhet, H.A. ; Matar, A. ; Yasmin, T. |
2017 | Dynamic linkages among financial development, economic growth, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and gross fixed capital formation patterns in Malaysia | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. ; Al-Smadi, R.W. |
2013 | Exploring EKC, trends of growth patterns and air pollutants concentration level in Malaysia: A Nemerow Index Approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. |
2017 | Investigating source change of economic development in Malaysia: Total input cost approach | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. |
2015 | Modelling the structural changes sources of the Malaysian economy: I-O model | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. |
2016 | Rapid Economic Growth and Natural Gas Consumption Nexus: Looking forward from Perspective of 11th Malaysian Plan | Bekhet, H.A. ; Yasmin, T. |