Browsing by Author Hassan, N.H.

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A review on barriers in adopting healthcare information systemHassan, N.H. ; Ismail, Z. ; Rahim, F.A. 
2018Proposed conceptual Iot-based patient monitoring sensor for predicting and controlling dengueHassan, N.H. ; Salwana, E. ; Drus, S.M. ; Maarop, N. ; Samy, G.N. ; Ahmad, N.A. 
2018Proposed proactive digital forensic approach for cloud computing environmentSamy, G.N. ; Maarop, N. ; Wong, D.H. ; Rahim, F.A. ; Hassan, N.H. ; Perumal, S. ; Magalingam, P. ; Albakri, S.H.