Browsing by Author Abustan, I.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Assessment of hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics at matang landfill site using multivariate analysisZawawi, M.H. ; Syafalni ; Abustan, I. ; Nazri, M.A.A. 
2012Authentication relation between surface-groundwater in kerian irrigation canal system, perak using integrated geophysical, water balance and isotope methodNazri, M.A.A. ; Syafalni ; Abustan, I. ; Rahman, M.T.A. ; Zawawi, M.H. ; Dor, N. 
2011Detection of groundwater aquifer using resistivity imaging profiling at Beriah Landfill Site, Perak, MalaysiaZawawi, M.H. ; Syafalni ; Abustan, I. 
2018Effect of the gap height of radial gate on the volumetric flow rate in damNg, F.C. ; Abas, A. ; Abustan, I. ; Rozainy, Z.M.R. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Jamaludin, A.B. ; Kon, S.M. 
2014Isotopic and hydrochemistry fingerprinting of leachate migration in shallow groundwater at controlled and uncontrolled landfill sitesSyafalni, S. ; Zawawi, M.H. ; Abustan, I. 
2012Raw water treatment using bentonite-chitosan as a coagulantSyafalni, S. ; Abustan, I. ; Zakaria, S.N.F. ; Zawawi, M.H. ; Rahim, R.A. 
2015Relationship between sediment build-up characteristics and antecedent dry days on different urban road surfaces in MalaysiaChow, M.F. ; Yusop, Z. ; Abustan, I.