Browsing by Author Mustaffa, S.A.S.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 11
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | A Simplified Approach in Estimating Technical Losses in Distribution Network Based on Load Profile and Feeder Characteristics | Au, M.T. ; Anthony, T.M. ; Kamaruddin, N. ; Verayiah, R. ; Mustaffa, S.A.S. ; Yusoff, M. |
2018 | Chaotic Immune Symbiotic Organisms Search algorithm for solving optimisation problem | Zamani, M.K.M. ; Musirin, I. ; Suliman, S.I. ; Mustaffa, S.A.S. |
2018 | Chaotic local search based algorithm for optimal DGPV allocation | Mustaffa, S.A.S. ; Musirin, I. ; Othman, M.M. ; Zamani, M.K.M. ; Kalam, A. |
2017 | Chaotic mutation immune evolutionary programming for voltage security with the presence of DGPV | Mustaffa, S.A.S. |
2017 | Load management for Voltage Stability control in multi-area power system | Mustaffa, S.A.S. ; Musirin, I. ; Othman, M.M. ; Salimin, R.H. |
2017 | Multi DGPV installation in transmission system for loss minimization | Mustaffa, S.A.S. ; Musirin, I. ; Othman, M.M. ; Rosli, N.H. |