Browsing by Author Taghizadeh, S.F.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Battery energy storage system for PV output leveling based on bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter | Singh, R. ; Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. |
2015 | Design of a 27-level cascaded converter as FACTS device for voltage sag mitigation | Nikouei, B. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Younis, M.A.A. |
2014 | Dynamic voltage restorer using the combination of fuzzy logic and EPLL control strategies: An optimized implementation | Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Nikouei, B. ; Younis, M.A.A. |
2012 | Overview control strategies of series, shunt, series/shunt FACTS devices for three stability functions of power system | Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Younis, M.A.A. ; Nikouei, B. ; Tan Nadia, M.L. ; Mekhilef, S. |