Browsing by Author Akagi, H.

Showing results 1 to 19 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010A 6-kW, 2-kWh lithium-ion battery energy storage system using a bidirectional isolated dc-dc converterTan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. 
2016A robust modified model predictive control (MMPC) based on Lyapunov function for three-phase active-front-end (AFE) rectifierParvez, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2008An energy storage system combining a 320-V, 12-F electric double layer capacitor bank with a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converterTan, N.M.L. ; Inoue, S. ; Kobayashi, A. ; Akagi, H. 
2015An improved active-front-end rectifier using model predictive controlParvez, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2012Design and performance of a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter for a battery energy storage systemTan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. 
2009Energy storage system combining a 320-V, 12-F electric double layer capacitor bank with a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converterKobayashi, A. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Inoue, S. ; Akagi, H. 
2012Experimental discussion on a 6-kW, 2-kWh battery energy storage system using a bidirectional isolated DC/DC converterAbe, T. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2013Experimental discussions on operating frequencies of a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter for a battery energy storage systemTan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. 
2018Low-Voltage-Ride-Through Control of a Modular Multilevel Single-Delta Bridge-Cell (SDBC) Inverter for Utility-Scale Photovoltaic SystemsSochor, P. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2014Model predictive control of a bidirectional AC-DC converter for V2G and G2V applications in electric vehicle battery chargerParvez, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2015Model predictive control of bidirectional AC-DC converter for energy storage systemAkter, P. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2015Model predictive control of bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter for energy conversion systemAkter, P. ; Uddin, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2016Modified Model Predictive Control of a Bidirectional AC-DC Converter Based on Lyapunov Function for Energy Storage SystemsParvez Akter, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Mei Lin Tan, N. ; Akagi, H. 
2012Optimal design of a high-efficiency bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter across a wide range of power transferTan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. 
2015Power-loss breakdown of a 750-V 100-kW 20-kHz bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter using SiC-MOSFET/SBD dual modulesAkagi, H. ; Yamagishi, T. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Miyazaki, Y. ; Kinouchi, S.-I. ; Koyama, M. 
2014Power-loss breakdown of a 750-V, 100-kW, 20-kHz bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter using SiC-MOSFET/SBD dual modulesAkagi, H. ; Yamagishi, T. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Kinouchi, S.-I. ; Miyazaki, Y. ; Koyama, M. 
2015Stability and performance investigations of model predictive controlled active-front-end (AFE) rectifiers for energy storage systemsAkter, M.P. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. 
2011Topology and application of bidirectional isolated dc-dc convertersTan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. 
2008Voltage balancing of a 320-V, 12-F electric double-layer capacitor bank combined with a 10-kW bidirectional isolated DC-DC converterTan, N.M.L. ; Inoue, S. ; Kobayashi, A. ; Akagi, H.