Browsing by Author Mat Kiah, M.L.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Multi-criteria analysis for OS-EMR software selection problem: A comparative studyZaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Hussain, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A.M. ; Mat Kiah, M.L. ; Abdulnabi, M. 
2018A security framework for mHealth apps on Android platformHussain, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Zaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Kiah, M. ; Iqbal, S. ; Abdulnabi, M. 
2016The rise of keyloggers on smartphones: A survey and insight into motion-based tap inference attacksHussain, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Zaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Mat Kiah, M.L. ; Anuar, N.B. ; Abdulnabi, M.