Browsing by Author Al-Haiqi, A.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A New Sensors-Based Covert Channel on AndroidAl-Haiqi, A. ; Ismail, M. ; Nordin, R. 
2014Beyond ubiquitous computing: The Malaysian HoneyBee project for Innovative Digital EconomyPatel, A. ; Nordin, R. ; Al-Haiqi, A. 
2015Determination of DPPH free radical scavenging activity: Application of artificial neural networksMusa, K.H. ; Abdullah, A. ; Al-Haiqi, A. 
2017A distributed framework for health information exchange using smartphone technologiesAbdulnabi, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Kiah, M.L.M. ; Zaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Hussain, M. 
2015Evaluation and selection of open-source EMR software packages based on integrated AHP and TOPSISZaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Kiah, M.L.M. ; Hussain, M. ; Abdulnabi, M. 
2013Insider Threats+Disruptive Smart Phone Technology = New Challenges to Corporate SecurityAl-Haiqi, A. ; Jumari, K. ; Ismail, M. 
2013Keystrokes inference attack on android: A comparative evaluation of sensors and their fusionAl-Haiqi, A. ; Ismail, M. ; Nordin, R. 
2015The eye as a new side channel threat on smartphonesAl-Haiqi, A. ; Ismail, M. ; Nordin, R. 
2015The landscape of research on smartphone medical apps: Coherent taxonomy, motivations, open challenges and recommendationsHussain, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Zaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Kiah, M.L.M. ; Anuar, N.B. ; Abdulnabi, M. 
2016The rise of keyloggers on smartphones: A survey and insight into motion-based tap inference attacksHussain, M. ; Al-Haiqi, A. ; Zaidan, A.A. ; Zaidan, B.B. ; Mat Kiah, M.L. ; Anuar, N.B. ; Abdulnabi, M.