Browsing by Author Abdullah, M.Z.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Effect of the gap height of radial gate on the volumetric flow rate in damNg, F.C. ; Abas, A. ; Abustan, I. ; Rozainy, Z.M.R. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Jamaludin, A.B. ; Kon, S.M. 
2015Experimental analysis and FEM simulation of loop heat pipe charged with diamond nanofluid for desktop PC coolingGunnasegaran, P. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Yusoff, M.Z. 
2017Heat Transfer in a Loop Heat Pipe using Diamond-H2O NanofluidGunnasegaran, P. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Yusoff, M.Z. ; Kanna, R. 
2017Heat Transfer in a Loop Heat Pipe Using Fe2NiO4-H2O NanofluidGunnasegaran, P. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Yusoff, M.Z. 
2013Influence of nanofluid on heat transfer in a loop heat pipeGunnasegaran, P. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Shuaib, N.H. 
2015Optimization of SiO2 nanoparticle mass concentration and heat input on a loop heat pipeGunnasegaran, P. ; Abdullah, M.Z. ; Yusoff, M.Z. ; Abdullah, S.F.