Browsing by Author Mustapa, S.I.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction in the Malaysian transportation sector: An optimisation approach | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2016 | Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction in the Malaysian transportation sector: An optimisation approach | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2015 | Investigating factors affecting co2 emissions in Malaysian road transport sector | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2015 | Investigating factors affecting co2 emissions in Malaysian road transport sector | Mustapa, S.I. ; Bekhet, H.A. |
2010 | Issues and challenges of renewable energy development: A Malaysian experience | Mustapa, S.I. ; Peng, L.Y. ; Hashim, A.H. |