Browsing by Author Shakhatreh, H.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Efficient 3D placement of a UAV using particle swarm optimizationShakhatreh, H. ; Khreishah, A. ; Alsarhan, A. ; Khalil, I. ; Sawalmeh, A. ; Othman, N.S. 
2018Maximizing indoor wireless coverage using UAVs equipped with directional antennasShakhatreh, H. ; Khreishah, A. ; Othman, N.S. ; Sawalmeh, A. 
2018Providing wireless coverage in massively crowded events using UAVsSawalmeh, A. ; Othman, N.S. ; Shakhatreh, H. ; Khreishah, A.