Browsing by Author Hashim, F.H.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017An effective approach for managing power consumption in cloud computing infrastructureAbd, S.K. ; Al-Haddad, S.A.R. ; Hashim, F. ; Abdullah, A.B.H.J. ; Yussof, S. 
2016Cloud computing concept, classifications, applications and challengesAbd, S.K. ; Al-Haddad, S. ; Hashim, F. ; Abdullah, A.B. ; Yussof, S. 
2016Cloud computing security risks with authorization access for secure Multi-Tenancy based on AAAS protocolAbd, S.K. ; Salih, R.T. ; Al-Haddad, S.A.R. ; Hashim, F. ; Abdullah, A.B.H. ; Yussof, S. 
2011Internet addiction and dependency: A case study in UNITEN, MalaysiaHaghighi, B.T. ; Othman, M. ; Hashim, F.H. 
2012Towards a better way to evaluate internet usageHaghighi, B.T. ; Othman, M. ; Hashim, F.H.