Browsing by Author Othman, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Electronic plastic waste management in Malaysia: The potential of waste to energy conversionOthman, N. ; Mohd Sidek, L. ; Ahmad Basri, N.E. ; Muhd Yunus, M.N. ; Othman, N.A. 
2016Evaluation of Condition Assessment of Tunnel Lining using Inspection Manual of CIRIA and FHWAUsman, F. ; Banuar, N. ; Ismail, M.N. ; Othman, N.A. 
2009Potential of electronic plastic waste as a source of raw material and energy recoveryOthman, N. ; Basri, N.E.A. ; Yunus, M.N.M. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Othman, N.A.